Wednesday, October 14, 2009

This is why am I not recommending the swine flu vaccine:

A hot and talented nurse friend of mine sent this to me.

1. At this stage, for the most part the swine flu seems benign.

Over a million people in the US have already come down with swine flu, many of them without even knowing that they had it. The vast majority of people who get the swine flu recover after a week or so of high fever, aches, and respiratory distress. It’s not pleasant, but except in rare circumstances, it is not fatal. Most people who’ve been infected by swine flu think so little of it, they believe they just had a really bad cold or a regular flu. So unless the swine flu evolves to a much more virulent form, there’s no need for mass vaccination.

2. We don’t know if the vaccine will be effective.

Vaccines are only useful against the specific viral strain that was available at the time of their manufacture. But influenza viruses mutate quickly, and as the WHO has already said, the real concern with H1N1 swine flu is that it will combine with seasonal flu in the Fall, creating a new strain that will of course be immune to all available vaccines.

3. We don’t know if the vaccine is safe.

The FDA has authorized an expedited approval process for the swine flu vaccine, but we don’t know yet if it is safe. Even GlaxoSmithKline, one of the vaccine manufacturers has said, “The total population studied in clinical trials will be limited, due to the need to provide the vaccine to governments as quickly as possible. Additional studies will therefore be required and conducted after the vaccine is made available.”

In other words, the only thing that is safe, is to say that no one knows. Since it’s never been used before and they have not had time to conduct any sufficient human testing, by getting vaccinated you are being a human guinea pig.

4. Vaccine manufacturers have been insulated from liability by the government.

The Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sibelius has granted legal immunity not only to the makers of the two drugs being used to treat swine flu, Tamiflu and Relenza, but also to the swine flu vaccine makers, for damages due to their use against swine flu. By effectively manipulating the legal system, the Pharmaceutical Industry through their powerful lobbyists have acquired almost complete and total insulation from any liability for their vaccines and adjuvants, which are additives added to generate a stronger immune response. It is believed that it is these adjuvants which often cause the problems. The last time the government embarked on a major vaccine campaign against a new swine flu was in 1976. Thousands filed claims for side effects such as paralysis caused by the vaccine and a number of people died. I am sure that the researchers know more now than they did last time and no one can say for certain that bad things will happen again or that you will suffer dire consequences if you get vaccinated. But this time you have no legal recourse even though this vaccine involves new factors, which makes it therefore experimental and unpredictable.

By shielding the manufacturers from any responsibility for any harm caused, the pharmaceutical firms have no financial incentive to make the safest product. In fact, they have a negative incentive to test it for safety, because if they are aware of problems, then they could potentially be held liable for willful misconduct.

Instead I advise my patients to build up and strengthen their immune systems to prevent viral infections.


In 1976 after 200 soldiers at Fort Dix came down with flu-like symptoms the CDC and the country began to fear a pandemic of the swine flu was about to hit. The CDC identified the virus as being similar to the 1918 flu that killed thousands. The new 2009 H1N1 virus is also being compared to the 1918 swine flu.

The CDC called for a massive public vaccination program and pharmaceutical companies went to work. They were able to develop a vaccine quickly and experimental trials were performed on animals. But the results were disastrous when the vaccine was delivered to the American public.

Some people became sick with Guillain-Barre Syndrome, a disease that makes the immune-system attack itself. “GBS is relatively rare in the general population but 10 times more prevalent among those who received the swine flu vaccine – particularly those whose immune systems may have already been compromised”, stated Medpage Today.

Ultimately the inoculation program was called off due to the risk and because the swine flu pandemic never materialized. The program was a key example of how experimental tests on animals doesn’t always translate to good medicine for humans.

In a typical year, 30,000+ Americans die from the flu and its complications. The Swine flu numbers may be higher, if infection rates are higher, as predicted, and depending on how many people get vacinated. But there is also a small risk that the lethality of H1N1 will change. The virus could mutate such that instead of death and complications being rare, they could be more common. At that moment, the fast availability of the vaccine could be crucial to avoid catastrophe. The risk is small, but so was the risk of failure from the levees in New Orleans.

Recent observations of little flu activity in places where the flu spread fastest in the spring, such as New York City, suggest that the population may already be building up substantial immunity to the virus. If this proves true, it will diminish further concerns over the overall number of people expected to become ill and could change the calculation on whether to get a vaccine, depending in part on whether you live in an area that has already experienced an H1N1 outbreak.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Many blessings

Dear (your God),

Please bless the person reading this and fill his/her heart with love.

Help this shiny spirit always to remember the light inside
and to have it as a source of strength and power.

May this glorious being always be brave,
and never afraid to tell the truth.

May she/he have beautiful dreams -- flying dreams,
full of light and love and beauty.... Amen.

A version to tell your kids when they are going to bed.

Dear _____,

Please bless ______ and fill his/her heart with love.

Help her/him always to remember the light inside
and to have it as a source of strength and power.

May he/she always be brave,
and never afraid to tell the truth.

May she/he have beautiful dreams -- flying dreams,
full of light and love and beauty.... Amen.

Many blessings,


Friday, August 1, 2008

[The Random Factor #40 (5 of 5)] Meditation on Emptiness & Compassion

Part 1: Emptiness
Part 2: The interdependence of all things
Part 3: Our mental and physical realities
Part 4: Clearing the Mind of Obscurities

Part 5 : Meditation on Emptiness & Compassion

The mind can only take you so far,
as it is a staging area for illusion.

Meditation for mental remediation!

How can you heal your mind?

If one is immersed in compassion,
what room is there for anything else?


[The Random Factor #40 (4 of 5)] Clearing the Mind of Obscurities

Part 1: Emptiness
Part 2: The interdependence of all things
Part 3: Our mental and physical realities
Part 4: Clearing the Mind of Obscurities
Part 5: Meditation on Emptiness & Compassion

Part 4 : Clearing the Mind of Obscurities

The ultimate nature of mind is clear, and we know it.
Thus, we are bothered when the mind is not clear.

And, when we invest ourselves in wrong thinking such
as anger or a selfish view we are able to recognize it
as such.

Can we truly rid ourselves of all anger & selfishness?

This gap between what is and what should be is the
experience of longing. But, this doesn't mean we
*will* change our actions. For that, a Buddha needs
both wisdom and strength.

"Our knowing is obscured by stains of mind, only
when we cleanse the mind can we expect the
understanding to manifest."- Dalai Lama

To remove the stains of wrong-thinking, we need
only examine the thought in question and we will
see through these stains to the pure mind."
- Dalai Lama

Stains like all objects in the sensory world are
temporary and thus are destined to dissipate too.
Focus of wisdom of thought and strength of action
quickens the process.

So, how do we work with negative thoughts?

"Brain surgery can have some affect, but not to
remove anger... Our neurons carry both bad and
good so if you have surgery to remove the parts
ability to experience both bad and good disappear,
like a robot... that's no good." - Dalai Lama

Instead, just as you add light to eliminate
darkness, to eliminate those things we don't want
we should look to it's opposite.

If anger exists we should focus on compassion.
It's not easy, but we can always find something
we like about a person. Maybe he stole your car,
but, hey, he sure is good looking.

Even when we're joking this changes the wiring of
our brain. For the first time, perhaps, the object
of your anger now has positive associations which
changes your perception of the object. A better
example, perhaps "somebody's baby" helps heal
resentment by associating the person with the
loving bond of mother and child and reminding us
of fundamental similarity.

"If energy is on anger instead must focus on
kindness and love to reduce this negative emotion."
- Dali Lama

"Disagreements are bound to happen even within the
mind of a single individual, so what hope do we have
to avoid them between people? If you look one-sided
the only solution is to fight and disregard what
others feel. Instead, respect other views and
look for opportunity to compromise." - Dali Lama

"Bad and good is relative. Our judgements are too
often from just one angle, and often based on a
single action." - Dali Lama

Much of your opinion is based on your mood. As
waves move through the ocean yet the ocean remains
the same, so too with the Buddha mind. Through your
senses you will experience both ups and downs but
will not create lasting disturbance in the mind if
the mood is good. - paraphrased Dali Lama

Decisions made with a disturbed mind are often bad
decisions. To see clearly the mind must be unbiased
and able to recognize the condition of a disturbed
mind vs. undisturbed mind. Too much attachment is
a sign of a disturbed mind, even though some
attachment is a biological factor resulting from
a physical need. e.g. fear increases blood to the
feet so you can run away faster.

"When we say the obstruction is purified we
shouldn't say it's gone, because this too is
temporary. Instead we need to implement the
process of purification.

When we say someone is a Buddha we are not saying
they are enlightened, we are saying they are
following the path and through true effort will
reach this enlightenment." - Dali Lama


Part 5: Meditation on Emptiness & Compassion

Saturday, April 19, 2008

[The Random Factor #40 (part 3 of 5)] - Our mental and physical realities

Part 1: Emptiness
Part 2: The interdependence of all things
Part 3: Our mental and physical realities
Part 4: Clearing the Mind of Obscurities
Part 5: Meditation on Emptiness & Compassion

Part 3 : Our mental and physical realities

The 21st century has brought a very high
material standard yet the people who enjoy
these luxuries are mentally and emotionally
not very stable. There is constant stress,
fear, frustration, and jealousy, and these
emotions disturb the mind.

Since all sentient beings innately desire
happiness and therefore do not want
disturbances we seek pleasure to block
these disturbances.

Unfortunately, when you partake in
pleasurable events these actions immediately
begin to become less pleasurable, meaning
we need more next time to get the same
level of satisfaction.

The Dalai Lama talked of meeting
billionaires filled with stress and worry,
and pointed out that this demonstrates the
limits of material facilities in achieving
happiness. Since a contented mental level
is perhaps impossible to achieve through
material means we must instead take a look
at our inner world.

"Mental level is more superior than
physical level because physical can not
subdue discomfort on the mental level but
the mental level can subdue discomfort on
the physical level." - Dalai Lama

Imagine two patients with the same disease
in the same hospital with the same doctor
and the same treatment. Now imagine that
one of them is relaxed and optimistic,
while the other is filled with worry. The
calm and peaceful patient will report a
more positive experience. The mental worry
is an additional problem...

The DL said a scientist assured him it has
been scientifically proven there is a link
between an optimistic outlook and a speedy
recovery. Our attitude, the power of our
mind, is therefore of great importance.

Another perspective; "Traits of the Survivor"

"When the going gets tough the most important
survival skill is contained within your mind.
You need to want to survive, no matter the
situation and prospect of outcome. Survivors
never give up."

After January 1st, 2000 the death rates
spiked as it turned out many dying people
had been "holding on" to see this landmark

So it's safe to say our attitude is related
to not just the quality of life but the
length of it too.

"Like outer space our brain is vast and
not fully explored. We should look at what
makes a good day a good day and a good night
a good night. We can not eliminate our outer
experiences but we can change our inner
attitude. Thankfully, more and more people
are looking inward... it is time to look
more closely... but how to change it?"
- Dalai Lama

"Consider the close link between our physical
well being and mental well being, anxiety,
fear, and anger eat our immune system while
forgiveness strengthens it." - Dalai Lama

"Our physical comfort is important but not
at the expense of ecological and societal
damage. All man-made problems are linked to
our emotions so using force or technology is
NOT the answer. The answer is a deeper study
of the emotional world and analyze what
emotions we have, what causes it, and what
can change it at the mental level."
- Dali Lama

Accepting that the experience of our "reality"
that exists "out there" is a product of our mind
sets the conditions for a happier and more fulfilling

Some Guy

NEXT: Part 4: Clearing the Mind of Obscurities

p.s. Ralph Waldo Emerson's corollary - "People
seem not to see that their opinion of the world
is also a confession of character."

[ The Random Factor#44 ] More Interesting than the New York Times

Greetings brothers & sisters of Earth!

I am very pleased to announce the results of a
recent poll. The poll question is as follows:

"Read a random article from the New York Times,
and a random article from The Random Factor and
let us know, which article was more interesting?"

The result? A shocking 73% of people find The
Random Factor more interesting than the New York

This is stunning, of course, as the NY Times
is one of the world's most read and respected
newspapers dedicated to covering the most
news-worthy events of the day.

The NY Times hires the best journalists they can
find and gives them both the credentials they
need to access nearly anybody on the planet and
the expense accounts to get there and back. They
even have fact-checkers and editors who know
grammar great!

This would seem to lead to only one of two
conclusions. Either, the Random Factor really is
more interesting than world events or two, the NY
Times is not actually covering world events.

Since the first conclusion is clearly ridiculous
the second must therefore be true. The NY Times
does not actually cover world events!

Thankfully, they do cover some of it very well.

What is really staggering is we have a winner of
the Nobel Peace Prize revered as a divine
reincarnation by his people and even he can not
stop the violence amongst his own people much
less the Chinese.

Anger is the result of people not getting the
respect they feel they deserve. We should need
no more proof that as sure as people will fight
for their own life so too will a strangled culture
fight for it's existance.



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[The Random Factor #43] Why Do We?

"Why do we create the things we create?"
"To be fulfilled."

"Is it fulfilling us?"

"Are we still chasing it?"

(Prem Rawat, Adi Magazine)

"The peace we are looking for is within."

(Prem Rawat,

love and light,