Tuesday, March 20, 2007

[The Random Factor #21] The eye of the beholder

"Before the coming of the white man to the
north, Eskimos believed that if they cut
slabs of ice, organized them in a circle,
formed a dome, and lived inside they would
please the spirits. Apparently the plan worked.
The contented spirits made sure the Eskimos
stayed warm even when the temperature dipped
to 40 below zero outside.

Eventually, Western scientists showed up and
tried to explain how the Eskimos had mastered
an invisible force called thermodynamics.

According to these presumptions foreigners,
the igloo's tunnel-like entrance preheated
outside air, the movable snowball door let
in precisely the amount of this air that could
be further warmed by the seal-oil lamp inside,
and the adjustable hole in the roof allowed
just enough of the resulting rising currents
out to create the convection that kept the
whole thing going." - Bloom, Howard: (From
The Lucifer Principle, a scientific expedition
into the forces of history)

The obvious skeptic argument here is just because
these Eskimos miraculously mastered the art of
thermodynamics does not necessarily mean they
learned it from 'spirits.'

But, what's a bit strange about that conclusion
is that if these same Eskimos were eye-witness
to a crime, and they all pointed out one person
as the culprit, we would not hesitate to convict
based on their testimony.

Funny how that works.

Some Guy


This text published originally in the newsletter
The Random Factor at www.some-guy.com because
thought is a precious gift and invaluable
therefore the stimuli in which it's rooted.

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Thursday, March 15, 2007

[The Random Factor #20] Fuzzy math

Subjectivity: the universe's way of making things interesting.

Time: the universe's way of keeping everything from happening at once.

The relative realm: a place where the difference between showing up 5 minutes early and showing up 5 minutes late is more than 10 minutes.

The Random Factor Archives are now available at http://the-random-factor.blogspot.com/

Some Guy

p.s. good news, there is at least a 2% chance of seeing the dalai lama! Want to help? Like to share? Send your friends a favorite from the archive

p.p.s It has come to my attention that evidence of life after death is not necessarily desirable. Sorta obvious now that I think about it... took me awhile to process it myself. For this reason contributions are now independent of the story...

Think the free content is good? A few bucks gets you a dose of the supernatural. http://www.some-guy.com/evidence-of-life-after-death.html

Or just show some love : )

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The Random Factor at www.some-guy.com because
thought is a precious gift and invaluable
therefore the stimuli in which it's rooted.

To subscribe enter your email:

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Monday, March 12, 2007

[The Random Factor #19] One small step for some guy

Riddles & Facts & Quotes, Oh My!

"You can fool some of the people all of the time,
all of the people some of the time, but you cannot
fool all of the people all of the time"
- Abraham Lincoln

As you have probably appreciated there are no ads
in The Random Factor, no Viagra, no steamy web cams,
no bunk stocks to artificially inflate, and you're
going to have to talk to someone else about refinancing
your mortgage.

The Random Factor is clearly not a financial enterprise.
However, the universe does not help those who do not
help themselves. So, if last week's "experiment in
manifestation" is to be successful it is time to
explore other possibilities.

Nearly 1,000,000 visitors a year show up at
http://www.some-guy.com and I for one would love to see
what I could accomplish with a little support from the
small but enthusiastic percentage of these folks that
really dig what I'm doing.

A wise friend last year reminded me of this fact,
"Asking is critical to receiving," so for the first time,
I am gratefully accepting contributions at

transactions handled securely by PayPal.

And, as a token of my appreciation, I'd like to
offer you something... hmmm, I already offer the
best wisdom and humor I can find for free every day, so
what on earth could I offer that is better than that?

I got it.

For a limited time, when you make a donation of $5.00
or more you will be sent a story that I have long kept
secret and never really intended to tell. It is weird,
funny, and seriously spooky. It is one of the more
incredible stories you will ever hear.

What is so incredible about this story?

Well, let's put it this way. When people ask me if I
believe in reincarnation, I tell them I don't believe,
I know there is life after death. This story is probably
the best evidence I've ever heard regarding life after
death and I assure you, it is 100% true.

So, go ahead, it'll just take a minute. Visit
http://www.some-guy.com/contribute.html to help fulfill
this experiment in manifestation and hear a truly amazing
story that will change (or affirm) the way you see the world.

FYI: This story is NOT sent out automatically, it will take
me a bit to get this sent out to everyone... be patient,
it's worth it.


Some Guy

p.s. If you have any other ideas to manifest a trip to
Germany in July, I am all ears.

p.p.s. New subscribers see last week's newsletter to find
out what I'm talking about.


This text published originally in the newsletter
The Random Factor at www.some-guy.com because
thought is a precious gift and invaluable
therefore the stimuli in which it's rooted.

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[The Random Factor #18] Oh Synchronicity

Riddles & Facts & Quotes, Oh My!

Two weeks ago, after sharing the quote, "God is love...
love is real... therefore God is real" I *stumbled*
upon a scientific experiment the Dalai Lama helped
facilitate ...

"Eight Buddhist adepts and 10 volunteers who had had
a crash course in meditation engaged in the form of
meditation called nonreferential compassion. In this
state, the meditator focuses on unlimited compassion
and loving kindness toward all living beings.

As the volunteers began meditating, one kind of brain
wave grew exceptionally strong: gamma waves. These,
scientists believe, are a signature of neuronal activity
that knits together far-flung circuits -- consciousness,
in a sense. Gamma waves appear when the brain brings
together different features of an object, such as look,
feel, sound and other attributes that lead the brain to
its aha moment of, yup, that's an armadillo."
- http://www.dalailama-hamburg.de/index.php?id=8&L=1

The article goes much more in depth, but essentially
indicates that thoughts of loving kindness improve the
very mechanism for understanding. It almost sounds like
they are exercising intuition!

Anyways, last Friday morning I talked to a wonderful
friend in Holland who had previously, of his own volition,
reserved a ticket for me to attend a week of events with
the Dalai Lama in Germany. I told him last Friday I probably
wouldn't be able to make it because of 3 individually
significant problems. I have a lot of work to do, several
events already planned for the summer, and as of now, no
extra funds to visit Germany of all places, one of the more
expensive countries in Europe.

I did share with him that I had reconnected with a former
personal assistant to the Dalai Lama and that she said she
would make a call and try to make his experience there a
bit more memorable.

So, later that day, not an hour after sending out The
Random Factor with the words "talking about synchronicity
increases synchronicity" I ran into this assistant at the
neighborhood store. Of course, I have never her seen her
there or anywhere else *randomly* before.

Is this coincidence? Or will I be in Germany this summer?

Well, following the natural progression. This is clearly
an opportunity to experiment in manifestation. And a
test of the phenomenon known as synchronicity.

Can *it* really help me get to Europe?

I for one am excited to find out,

Some Guy

p.s. Read this story of synchronicity: Saving Valentino

p.p.s. Which one of you is flying your private plane
from Portland Oregon to Germany in July? Just kidding,
sort of.

p.p.p.s. Find out what *stumble* is
[ http://www.stumbleupon.com/ ]
(highly recommmended, not a paid ad)

This text published originally in the newsletter
The Random Factor at www.some-guy.com because
thought is a precious gift and invaluable
therefore the stimuli in which it's rooted.

To subscribe enter your email:

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[The Random Factor #17] The Positive Spiral

Riddles & Facts & Quotes, Oh My!

There were some nice comments after last week's
Random Factor that really made me feel all warm and
fuzzy. It is beautiful that focus on universal love
increased the love. A good thing to remember, no doubt.

It reminds me of a rule i heard somewhere once that
says "focusing on synchronicity increases synchronicity."
So, let's give that a shot.

Carl Jung believed that many experiences perceived as
coincidence were due not merely to chance, but instead,
suggested the manifestation of parallel events or
circumstances reflecting a governing dynamic he called

"Synchronicity: the experience of two or more occurrences
(beyond coincidentally) in a manner that is logically meaningful
- but inexplicable - to the person or persons experiencing them.
Such events would also have to suggest an underlying pattern in
order to satisfy the definition of synchronicity as developed
by Carl Jung." - wikipedia

If you have any stories of synchronicity you'd like to share
I would love to hear them. Email me directly or add them to
the website

Some Guy

reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synchronicity


This text published originally in the newsletter
The Random Factor at www.some-guy.com because
thought is a precious gift and invaluable
therefore the stimuli in which it's rooted.

To subscribe enter your email:

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[The Random Factor #16] Spreading the Love

For years www.some-guy.com has collected perspectives
with the notion that surely every person has unique
insight into this life.

That is not just super cheesy, it is also the inevitable
consequence of combining individual predispositions with
unique life experiences.

As of recently 279 viewpoints and nearly 3000 spam had
been submitted to my site through this form. ARG. Spam
has all but crippled the "Random Viewpoint" feature,
http://www.some-guy.com/viewpoints/random.php. A truly
sad state of affairs.

Who would've thought when I was a kid that spam-bots
would be my greatest foe?

That is, until now.

Well, turns out these spam-bots (spam-bots are software
applications that submit spam to forms on websites) have
a fatal flaw, and if you share your insight at
you will see what stops spam-bots in their tracks..

So, thanks to this new insight, and several hours of
deleting spam, the "Random Viewpoint" feature is back
at http://www.some-guy.com

And, just in time for me to share the following quote
for valentines day (week) submitted by Lucas Marquez,
age 16.

"God is Love, Love is real, therefore God is real."

one love,

some guy

More Random Viewpoints: http://www.some-guy.com/viewpoints/random.php
Share Your Viewpoint:

This text published originally in the newsletter
The Random Factor at www.some-guy.com because
thought is a precious gift and invaluable
therefore the stimuli in which it's rooted.

To subscribe enter your email:

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[The Random Factor #15] Going balls to the wall

Riddles & Facts & Quotes, Oh My!

We've all heard the phrase "balls to the wall" and
know it to mean "going full speed" or "going all
out." But, where did that phrase come from?

Any guesses?

It's not an outdated mating ritual, nor a test of
manhood. The phrase comes from the world of the
fighter pilot.

A pilot accelerates by pushing the plane's throttle
forward. At maximum speed the "balls" or knobs of the
throttle are pushed all the way forward pressed to
the "wall" or panel.

Going balls to the wall (and particularly when combined
with a sharp turn) can also stretch our understanding of
space-time. G-force is a unit of acceleration approximately,
32.174 ft/second, or as it's more commonly known, gravity.
Ladies and gentlemen, hold onto your mouse, right now
you're experiencing 1 G.

So, what the heck does "2 Gs" mean?

Simply put, 2 Gs is when a 150 lb. fighter pilot weighs
300 lbs. This begins to make sense when you consider the
sensation and appearance of being smashed into the seat
during acceleration. When a pilot turns at high speeds,
they might "pull" 8-10Gs. Modern jets, and amazingly their
pilots (with the help of special suits) are able to
withstand Gs in the teens. John Stapp, a colonel with the
US Air Force survived 46.2 Gs during a lifetime of training
that smashed him up pretty good.

While the average pilot can handle a relatively large number
of Gs for a short duration, it is the sustained Gs from
prolonged acceleration that causes "problems" ... such as
passing out. [side note: Is it a coincidence that losing
consciousness is a symptom of testing the limits of space-time
or is this a glitch in "The Matrix?" Apparently, like sleep,
traveling at high speeds will trigger a "pilot eject" button
seperating your consciousness from your body, or as Ram Das
called it, your "space-time suit."]

For us land-lovers the motorized-vehicle translation of
"balls to the wall" would be "pedal to the metal." But this
would seem to fall well short of the experience of going
"balls to the wall."

That's ok though, because while going full speed is great,
it is not so important as going the right direction.

Blessed are those who's compass is true,

Some Guy

- http://www.f1nutter.co.uk/tech/glossary.php
- http://www.swairfest.org/page.aspx
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonel_John_Paul_Stapp
- http://www.copanational.org/non-members/safety/2003/safetyPPDec03.htm

P.S. There is another fact relating to "balls to the wall."
It would appear that there is an urban myth around the
origin of this phrase.

The myth goes that in the days of the steam engine, there
was a mechanical device called a governor which had two steel
balls mounted at the ends of two arms, attached to a vertical
shaft inside the engine. The balls start out hanging but as
speed increases the shaft begins to rotate and centrifugal
force forces the weighted balls outwards towards the inside
of the casing.

At maximum speed the balls are parallel to the ground and
nearly touching the wall of their metal housing, therefore
an engineer driving at full speed is going "balls to the wall."

Interesting story, but not true according to


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The Random Factor at www.some-guy.com because
thought is a precious gift and invaluable
therefore the stimuli in which it's rooted.

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[The Random Factor #14] A true gem

Riddles & Facts & Quotes, Oh My!

"The only way to have a friend is to be one."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson


This text published originally in the newsletter
The Random Factor at www.some-guy.com because
thought is a precious gift and invaluable
therefore the stimuli in which it's rooted.

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[The Random Factor #13] Filth for healthy living

Riddles & Facts & Quotes, Oh My!

A fact that's bothered my since I was young is
that a sponge in the kitchen sink will collect
far more bacteria & pathogens then a toilet seat.
This, thanks to one of the guiding principles of
life... critters love moisture.

Your lord knows I am no clean freak, but the idea
of washing dishes or methodically wiping the counters
with a bacteria magnet has always been disturbing to me.
In fact, if it were not for the following fact, I would
have a phobia.

A child that attends day care will have a far stronger
immune system then a child who does not. The child who
goes to school is exposed to colds and illnesses which
has the effect of exercising and strengthening the immune

Now I'm not a Filth for Better Living advocate, but it
is a fact that has allowed me to cope. That, and extra soap.

This week a report came out saying 99% of pathogens are
killed by microwaving your sponges. I wish I knew more
about the 1% of mutant pathogens, they may or may not be
extremely good for you. So long as you're careful...

"Firefighters have warned of the dangers of zapping
sponges and cloths in the microwave despite a study
showing it could kill harmful bacteria. Microwaving
kitchen sponges for just two minutes can kill 99% of
living pathogens, a US study in the journal of
Environmental Health claims. But Shropshire fire service
warned that one fire had already occurred when someone
in Telford tried the technique.

The researchers said people should only try to
microwave damp sponges."


Be safe, and occasionally filthy,

Some Guy

This text published originally in the newsletter
The Random Factor at www.some-guy.com because
thought is a precious gift and invaluable
therefore the stimuli in which it's rooted.

To subscribe enter your email:

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[The Random Factor #12] Lincoln, Truman, and Bush/Cheney

Riddles & Facts & Quotes, Oh My!

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that
unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety
of my country . . . Corporations have been enthroned
and an era of corruption in high places will follow,
and the money power of the country will endeavor to
prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of
people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands
and the Republic is destroyed." Abraham Lincoln, 1864

By using disproved intelligence as fact and by inventing
a relationship between al-qaeda and Saddam Hussein,
Cheney, Bush (& Rumsfeld) led the charge into Iraq.

Since then Cheney's company Halliburton has gotten over
10 billion dollars in contracts from the Iraq war despite
the fact that audits have shown they have repeatedly stolen
and overcharged the US government and even instituted
accounting methods designed to make funds disappear...

The Carlyle Group is a privately-owned equity firm organized
and run by former members of the Reagan and Bush Sr.
administrations. Carlyle could lay claim to only a meager
$12 billion in funds in December of 2001. Carlyle's profits
skyrocketed after the invasion and occupation of Iraq.
Currently, Carlyle manages more than $44 billion in 42
different investment funds.

In the early 1940s, an senator from the midwest by the
name of Harry S Truman, at the head of a committee
investigating corruption, equated war profiteering with
treason. Of course, it is also good to remember that
Abraham Lincoln brought the country together back together
after the civil war not through persecution of the opposing
armies, but by forgiving all war-time crimes. What a guy.

- Some Guy--------------------------------

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The Random Factor at www.some-guy.com because
thought is a precious gift and invaluable
therefore the stimuli in which it's rooted.

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[The Random Factor #11] True?

Riddles & Facts & Quotes, Oh My!

"The faults of others is easily perceived, but
that of oneself is difficult to perceive"
- The Bhagavad Gita

Taken a little bit further...

"Those who can learn to laugh at themselves will
always be amused" - (a reader board i saw in portland)

In the name of incremental progress,

Some Guy


This text published originally in the newsletter
The Random Factor at www.some-guy.com because
thought is a precious gift and invaluable
therefore the stimuli in which it's rooted.

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[The Random Factor #10] 5,000 years in 90 seconds

Riddles & Facts & Quotes, Oh My!

This fascinating animated map gives us a brief
look at 5,000 years of the expansion and interaction
between the world's most well-known religions:
Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism...


One love,

Some Guy

This text published originally in the newsletter
The Random Factor at www.some-guy.com because
thought is a precious gift and invaluable
therefore the stimuli in which it's rooted.

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[The Random Factor #9] Ho ho ho, ha ha ha

Riddles & Facts & Quotes (& Jokes), Oh My!

I'd love to get you all something nice for the
holidays but supposedly there's 2,820 of you
and i'm strapped!

Somebody said, "Laughter is the closest distance
between two people"

So, hopefully you'll enjoy this joke straight from
my heart to yours (by way of my fingers).

A blind man with a seeing-eye dog walks into a
grocery store. He walks into the middle of the store,
picks up the dog by the tail and starts swinging the
dog in circles above his head.

Alarmed, the store manager rushes over to the man
and politely asks, "Excuse me, is there anything I
can help you with?"

The blind man replies, "No thanks, just looking around."

All the best in 2007,

Some Guy

Stop by the jokes forum
and share a joke if you like


This text published originally in the newsletter
The Random Factor at www.some-guy.com because
thought is a precious gift and invaluable
therefore the stimuli in which it's rooted.

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[The Random Factor #8] The best possible use of your next minute

Riddles & Facts & Quotes, Oh My!

Cells need oxygen to live. Through the lungs it is
absorbed via alveoli where it makes it's way to the
bloodstream to be delivered by red blood cells to all
the cells of the body.

Not only do red blood cells deliver purifying oxygen,
these go-getters also retrieve the cell's waste product,
carbon dioxide, and haul it back to the
alveoli to be carried away with the next breath.

So then it seems fair to say that the quality of our
breath is related to to the health of our bodies. Add
to that this fact. A deep breath relaxes the body and
reduces stress, cited as a leading contributor to an
ever-increasing number of conditions including heart
disease and diabetes.

Your breath is also the one function your body can
perform either automatically or at your will. Coincidence,
or is it just that important?

3 deep breaths anyone? Conscious breathing might
just keep the doctor away.

Many blessings,

Some Guy

This text published originally in the newsletter
The Random Factor at www.some-guy.com because
thought is a precious gift and invaluable
therefore the stimuli in which it's rooted.

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[The Random Factor #7] Quote or fact, you decide.

Riddles & Facts & Quotes, Oh My!

"Seven blunders of the world that lead to violence: wealth
without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without
character, commerce without morality, science without humanity,
worship without sacrifice, politics without principle."
-Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)


This text published originally in the newsletter
The Random Factor at www.some-guy.com because
thought is a precious gift and invaluable
therefore the stimuli in which it's rooted.
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[The Random Factor #6] How much coal to power a lightbulb

Riddles & Facts & Quotes, Oh My!

49.8% of electricity in the US is generated by burning coal.
- Energy Information Administration

It takes 714 pounds (325 kg) of coal to run a 100-watt light
bulb 24 hours a day for a year.

www.zerocarbonhouse.com A zero carbon house. Brilliant
engineering or critical to life on earth?


This text published originally in the newsletter
The Random Factor at www.some-guy.com

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[The Random Factor #5] A Random Fact

Riddles & Facts & Quotes, Oh My! http://www.some-guy.com/

In Shakespeare's day, mattresses were secured on bed frames
by ropes when you pulled on the ropes the mattress tightened,
making the bed firmer to sleep on. Hence the phrase,
"Goodnight, sleep tight."


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The Random Factor at www.some-guy.com

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[The Random Factor #4] Fact or quote, you decide

Riddles & Facts & Quotes, Oh My! http://www.some-guy.com/

Hello folks, here's a quote and/or fact for the week....

"Respect is contagious" - Some Guy (and likely many others)


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The Random Factor at www.some-guy.com

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[The Random Factor #3] Riddle Me this

Riddles & Facts & Quotes, Oh My! http://www.some-guy.com

What word in the English language is usually pronounced
wrong even by scholars?

When you're ready, get the answer in the riddles forum at


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The Random Factor at www.some-guy.com

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[The Random Factor #2] A random thought

Talk won't cook rice - chinese proverb


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[The Random Factor #1] Voting machine facts I don't want to believe

In an invitation for a Republican fundraiser at his home,
Walden O'Dell, chief executive of Diebold Inc - the company
who's voting machines were used in the 2004 Ohio elections -
wrote in August 2003 that he was "committed to helping Ohio
deliver its electoral votes to the president next year."

In the 2004 election for the first time in history there were
exit polls that did not match actual election results. In 2004,
also for the first time, international election observers were
barred from entering polling places, including Ohio, where
widely disputed results swung the election.

This is old news.

Yet somehow, 2 years later, on Tuesday November 7th, 2006, 30%
MORE people in the United States will use electronic voting than
in 2004. 90% of the ballots in 2006 will be cast electronically
and most election results will again be unverifiable.

- 80% of the country will use voting machines by two seperate
companies Diebold and ES&S, owned by brothers.

- Diebold’s voting machines have no paper trail, leaving no way
to verify that the results coming out of the machine is the same
as what was entered by voters.

- Diebold also makes ATMs, checkout scanners, and ticket machines,
all of which log each transaction and can generate a paper trail.

- When Sequoia Voting Systems demonstrated its electronic voting
system's new paper-trail live for the first time to Californian
officials the print out of votes cast on the machine did not match
the actual votes cast in the demonstration.

- Diebold Senior Vice-President Jeff Dean was convicted of building
"back doors" or access points to software he developed using a
“high degree of sophistication” to evade detection for over a period
of 2 years.

I am not sure if it is possible for there to be a more important
issue in America... ever. Seems to me if we can't get this right,
we have nothing. We can not purport to carry the torch of freedom
and democracy and use a voting process that is suspicious and
unverifiable at best. At worst? Our democracy is already gone ...


This text published originally in the newsletter
The Random Factor at www.some-guy.com

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Sunday, March 11, 2007

Some guy goes to blogosphere and finds... himself? Unreferenced?

Since 1998 the random fact dispenser and the random thought dispenser at www.some-guy.com, and more recently www.randomfacts.org, have been in the top 5 on Google for "random facts" and thousands of other keyword phrases related to riddles and facts and quotes, (oh my!)

5-7 million visitors have found their way to www.some-guy.com in the past decade and of course they are all welcome.

After finding a couple of blogs directly copying content from my websites I did a search through the blogosphere for facts that wrote that had unique verbiage, errors, or other identifying signatures. I got hits for almost every one, and almost nobody is providing a reference to www.some-guy.com

Ahh, where's the love?

I have been collecting thought stimulating ideas since I can remember in my search for "the truth." It is intended to stimulate thoughts, and it does, there's no doubt about it... so write
about it. You should.

And show some guy some love.

People subscribed to my newsletter "The Random Factor" know that love manifests love and I do try to remember that. So, instead of outing these perpetrators on their own blogs I am starting my own blog just to let ya'll bloggers know that I know what's going on around here and to let all you readers know you will no doubt enjoy some-guy.com

I'm not going to republish my thought collection here because randomization is the best way to dispense factoids. This *randomization* is critical and a big reason why so many people, including bloggers, love Some-Guy.com. Claude Shannon, a pioneering information scientist, stated that the more unexpected an event, the higher the information content it contains.

Plus, with randomization there is far more substance and less blah blah blah... know what i mean?

So, this "blog" will only be used to publish The Random Factor newsletter, a once a week thought stimulator.... and to let all you blog readers in on this dirty little secret of the blogosphere.

All you bloggers that have enjoyed using www.some-guy.com as a treasure trove of content all these years, isn't it time to show some guy some love? Do it because you love the content, or do it because I might just come introduce myself to your readers if you don't : )

one love,

Some Guy

"Because thought is a precious gift, and invaluable therefore the stimuli in which it's rooted." - some guy