Saturday, April 19, 2008

[ The Random Factor#44 ] More Interesting than the New York Times

Greetings brothers & sisters of Earth!

I am very pleased to announce the results of a
recent poll. The poll question is as follows:

"Read a random article from the New York Times,
and a random article from The Random Factor and
let us know, which article was more interesting?"

The result? A shocking 73% of people find The
Random Factor more interesting than the New York

This is stunning, of course, as the NY Times
is one of the world's most read and respected
newspapers dedicated to covering the most
news-worthy events of the day.

The NY Times hires the best journalists they can
find and gives them both the credentials they
need to access nearly anybody on the planet and
the expense accounts to get there and back. They
even have fact-checkers and editors who know
grammar great!

This would seem to lead to only one of two
conclusions. Either, the Random Factor really is
more interesting than world events or two, the NY
Times is not actually covering world events.

Since the first conclusion is clearly ridiculous
the second must therefore be true. The NY Times
does not actually cover world events!

Thankfully, they do cover some of it very well.

What is really staggering is we have a winner of
the Nobel Peace Prize revered as a divine
reincarnation by his people and even he can not
stop the violence amongst his own people much
less the Chinese.

Anger is the result of people not getting the
respect they feel they deserve. We should need
no more proof that as sure as people will fight
for their own life so too will a strangled culture
fight for it's existance.



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requested at or partner site.
Nice Move! Thought is a precious gift and
invaluable therefore the stimuli in which
it's rooted.

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Portland OR, 97293

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